1 Corinthians 13:1-3
I think we typically read this and think "love is important." I know I've read it multiple times as simply a way to boost the ideal that is love, and naturally we think of brotherly love and romantic love first. However, I thought of it in a very different and more simplistic way today.
A lot of times in Western Christianity we have a tendency to focus on knowledge, insights, and some of us miracles. And yes, I'm talking about Christians here, not the world. I know for me, I love philosophy and theology, and I have a really deep yearning to see miracles and visions. However, while these are wonderful and Godly things, they aren't the main point.
Paul isn't just saying that if you have all things but love you are nothing, but I believe He's also saying the opposite. If you have love but nothing else, you have everything. The difference between a good Christian and a "bad" Christian is not that one reads the bible more or prays more, writes more or sees more miracles. The difference is that one loves with the love they've been shown, and the other doesn't.
As we go about the mundane and routine, remember what matters. Love is shown only when we have the courage to show it. There is no such thing as unintentional love. Do things you've never done before. Be things you've never been for some one before. Love in new ways and new strengths you've never loved before. Thats all that matters.